Help me grow!
- Indirect, bright light brings out the colour of my leaves. Place me by a windowsill or a shaded balcony, though I thrive just about anywhere indoors.
- I like it warm, between 15-30 degrees celsius. Keep me away from very hot or cold climates.
- I like when the soil is just damp, not waterlogged. Water me just about once a week.
- I like a little humidity. You could mist my leaves occasionally and keep me away from dry places.
- I have low fertiliser needs - about once a month in summers and once every 6-8 weeks in winters is enough.
- Why does my Aglaonema Light Pink Plant have yellow stalks? What can I do?
Yellow stalks mean you are overwatering me. Refrain watering for a few days and aerate the soil. - The leaves of my Aglaonema Light Pink Plant are curling. What does this indicate?
Curling leaves indicate too much direct sun. - What do wilting leaves of my Aglaonema Light Pink Plant indicate?
Wilting leaveslean under watering or insufficient light.Just take care of my water and light requirements and I’ll be blooming again. - How do I propagate my Aglaonema Light Pink Plant at home?
I am one of the easiest plants to propagate, even for amateur gardeners. Take a healthy stem cutting at least 6 inches long with a few leaves and leaf nodes. If propagating in water,fill a jar with water so that the leaf nodes (not the leaves) are submerged. If propagating in soil you can plant the cutting directly into the new soil. Care for it with the right light and water conditions until new leaves and roots emerge. You have new baby plants.
Aglaonema Light Pink Plant
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